Green Pride Locos XIII
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Green Pride Locos XIII - Background (Story)

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Green Pride Locos XIII - Background (Story) Empty Green Pride Locos XIII - Background (Story)

Post  Dreamer. Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:31 pm

GPL XIII; Green Pride Locos IX
More older than the Surenos and the Mexican Mafia (eMe) ? La Maravilla.
The Maravilla (Spanish: for "Wonderful / Marvelous") gangs is a group of Hispanic-American Gang originated and located in the unincorporated community of East Los Angeles, California. The largest of the Maravilla neighborhoods are the Marianna Maravilla and Hoyo Maravilla.
During the 1990's, Maravilla gangs broke away from Sureños, dividing line between Sureños and Maravilla is in East Los Angeles. During that time, the Mexican Mafia was trying to unite all the Southern California gangs under the Sureños flag but said gangs were to be taxed.The Maravilla gangs that formed in East Los Angeles developed the most notorious reputation for being violent and ruthless. As the number of street gangs grew, so did the tendency of these gangs to claim turf, and to settle their problems with action. Insults against a gang were not tolerated, and intense rivalries formed between gangs.
The Maravilla gangs were among the first gangs to refuse to pay taxes and to declare themselves tax-free. The Mexican Mafia then gave them the greenlight, meaning that any Sureño will expeditiously attack them. As of 2007 any Maravilla member will go on the mainline in the county jail system. As opposed to before being incarcerated in their own modules
Maravilla gang members use the color green and use the number 13 (thirteenth letter of the alphabet is M, stand for Maravilla).
Green Pride Locos XIII - Background (Story) CCt58
The cold, and sometimes hot war between MARAVILLA and the EME has been raging since the early 90s. If you remember your EME history, EME brothers like CHUCO CASTRO and SANA OJEDA, were sent forth to organize all SOCAL neighborhoods under the SURENO flag. Part of the deal was that all SURENOS had to kick up taxes to the brothers under penalty of death. Most neighborhoods fell into line and kicked up. Some did it happily. Other grudgingly. But almost all of them got with the program. But there were holdouts who basically told the EME to pound sand. The MS was one of those that declared themselves tax-free zones and immediately felt the heat. MARAVILLA was another no-tax gang as was LOWELL. As result the EME declared these neighborhoods as ALWAYS VERDE, giving every SURENO the greenlight to take care of any member of these neighborhoods.
With open war declared, MARAVILLA and LOWELL didn't didn't fare well in prison or on the street. Some of the hard core tax resisters decided on some get even. Any MV or LOWELL member who raised his hand to take care of a SURENO or a BROTHER became known as a MARAFIOSO, a moniker of distinction. According to people connected with the scene, there are apparently 20 or so MARAFIOSI currently formed up in what they call a GREENLIGHT GANG. This get-even gang within a gang is essentially a secret society whose members are known only to each other. Over time, close to 20 EAST SIDE neighborhoods have contributed members to the GREENLIGHT GANG. Among them are EASTSIDE 18th STREET and EASTSIDE CLOVER. The GREENLIGHT GANG operates undercover and their business is kept secret even from the rank and file members of their own neighborhoods. As an extra measure of security, the active shooters in the GREENLIGHT GANG have pictures take of themselves together. This is to discourage defection from the GREENIES. If they try to defect and become SURENOS, there's always proof that they were once resisters. Which means they'll be subject to sanctions from the EME as well as the GREENIES.
Glen Park
Green Pride Locos XIII - Background (Story) QtelI
After a long war between GREENLIGHT GANG and Surenos, Cisco had the approval of the leader to go in Los Santos to extend the gang.Cisco took his brother and his mother from L.A. and went to Los Santos.There, he developed his own gang named Green Pride Locotes.The gang extended fast and the corners from Glen Park been full of gang bangers everyday.After he saw that, the gang extended, Cisco left Los Santos and let Andre, his brother to lead the gang until he comes back.Cisco went to L.A. and spoke with the leader of GREENLIGHT GANG and told him that, the gang extended and they're ready to come to L.A. After two weeks the Locotes left Los Santos and went to L.A. to help the GREENLIGHT GANG to win the war with Surenos.Many members of the GREENLIGHT GANG died in the war and Cisco needed to form again the gang into Los Santos with his brother.This time, the corners were empty, just Cisco and Andre stayed there.
After some more gang bangers came in the hood, Cisco ordered an attack on the Surenos from Los Santos.Locotes made drive-by on the Surenos and much people died there.After three hours from the Drive-By four cars of cops came and arrested Cisco for possesion of drugs and for brawling with Surenos.Cisco and his brother, Andre, stayed in jail for six years and tried to survive in La eMe's world.They fight to win them names inside the jail and recruited more mexicans who said that, they don't wants to pay taxes to La eMe.The fight for survive was hard but Cisco and Andre resisted and left the jail with other members.After that, when Cisco and Andre arrived in the hood again, they saw the Surenos took the control of the corners and the Locotes's members were killed.Cisco asked for help in L.A. and the GREENLIGHT GANG came and helped him to kill the Surenos from Glen Park.After that, Cisco started again to recruit people and he stayed in the hood 24/24 hours, trying to extend it.

Leaving Glen Park
After some time spent in Glen Park, Green Pride Locos had become a numerous gang. .When Cisco decided to move the hood in Glen Park, he didn't know that, there was already another gang, Surenos.After some days spent in Glen Park, Surenos decided to attack Green Pride.They attacked Green Pride three times but the greenie's didn't respond.After some time, after Cisco got enough nervous he went to his friend Light and bought from his seven AK's and four Glocks.He prepared Green Pride for the war with Surenos.In one night, Cisco told to all greenies to come outside.They came out and saw a blue Savanna with golden rims waiting infront if Snoop's house.In the car was Cisco.Snoop, Dreamer, Varo and Trav' entered in the car and Cisco told them to take the guns from the floor.Snoop lifted the papers from Savanna's floor and gave an AK47 to every member of Green Pride.After the members got strapped, Cisco started the engine of the car and patrolled a few times around Glen Park.When Sureno's members left the houses, Cisco and the others left the car and started to shoot them.After a few seconds, Sureno's members were on the ground and the sirens of PD's cars could be heard.Cisco and the others entered in the car and dipped.Cisco called this attack ''BIG BANG'' because this was the last attack on Surenos before they left Glen Park.

Green Pride Locos XIII - Background (Story) DAWiJ
Green Pride Locos left Glen Park with the ''BIG BANG''.This was a warning for Surenos not to follow them because it's going to appear blood.Cisco and Snoop drove around Los Santos, checking the areas but they couldn't find anything without a gang, so they decided to move the hood around Jefferson's Train Station.In the first days they been seen around by Crenshaw Bloods but this thing don't was a problem for Green Pride.Slowly, they bought houses around the new hood and started to develope their own business with drugs and guns.The corners had become active and more people showed up in the new hood.In one night, after a party at Snoop's new house, Cisco, Dreamer and Trav' went to make tags around the new hood.They sprayed around the hood but after they went home, the police knocked on Snoop's door.Two civilians saw Cisco and the crew when they were spraying around and called the cops.Cisco, Dreamer and Trav' got arrested and fined for vandalism.After one night spent in the contry jail, Cisco called Snoop and told him to pick them up.Snoop showed up in a few minutes and picked them up from the police station.
Annoyed by the civilians, Cisco hired an detective to tell him who called the cops and told that, he tagged around the new hood.After a few days, the detective came with informations about the civilians who called the cops.Cisco took the adresses of the civilians and in one night at 02:00 AM the greenies made a visit to them.Cisco broke the door and entered in the car with the machete, followed by the others with their guns.The civilian's family got murdered by the greenies.

Green Pride Locos XIII - Background (Story) EVq13
The recruitment process in Green Pride Locotes is done strictly in-character, and by in-character methods.
Do not expect to get jumped into the set after a couple of days, it takes time (different from player to player)
before you get known or noticed by the other gang members, and then you'll slowly get affiliated with the set.
One of the more preffered methods of joining the faction though, is role-playing your character being from
the neighbourhood.
We consider Green Pride Locos to be a neighborhood where mexicans live besides the gang.
Roleplaying your character was already living in the neighborhood gives you a better chance of joining as an
official member.
(1) Respect the server rules and follow them to the fullest.
(2) Useless & unnecessary OOC communication IG is NOT accepted.
(3) All gang-related roleplay must be performed in a realistic fashion.
(4) Use /pm ID to communicate about unnecessary things.
(5) Respect the server's gang rules of engagement and follow them all times.
(6) Always remember to RP a acceptable amount of fear.
(7) Proper grammar, spelling and usage of slang when communicating IC is a must.
(Cool Proper usage of roleplay commands (/me's, /do's)
(9) Always represent the faction in a positive way OOC.

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Posts : 10
Join date : 2012-04-26

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